It's a bit of a repeat of what I said before. I think that clearly for all public institutions, including ours, on trust or lack of credibility, etc., our prime task has to be to restore the public trust, and that can be done only by being transparent and open, and also by communicating what we do as much as we can, and communicating clearly and precisely.
To the extent that we can use social media, by all means, let's use them. If that's how people receive their news, then fine. I'll offer it to social media. There's no problem. Just make sure there's nothing in there that can be twisted, which somebody will do, or that is unclear. You have to be clear. It has to be understandable to the common man. I'm not writing for a legal scholar. I'm not writing for the law school. I'm writing for the people who vote. Do they understand what the ruling is and why we find that somebody has a conflict or doesn't have a conflict?