Absolutely. Thank you for the question.
What I meant by that is that we don't actually send data to the government. The way our program works is that we allow data scientists from our partners to come onto our platform, our de-identified data platform, for supervised and guided access. There, they are able to do the queries that are consistent with the use and purpose that we've discussed with them and that needs to fit with our program, and then they're able to create derived data, or what we call “insights”.
When I talk about an insight, the best thing to do would be to picture a heat map or a graph, a bar chart or line graph that would show movement patterns or trends. After they've done that and pulled out these insights, they would be able to download them. Before they could take them, we would review them to make sure they were consistent, that they met all our reidentification risk metrics and that they were consistent with the purpose for the contract, and then the government would be able to take that derived data or insights with them.