Thanks very much, Chair.
I appreciate the motion that Mr. Barrett has brought forward. I think it emphasizes a couple of things that I heard loud and clear from my constituents when Minister Guilbeault's trip made its rounds in the media. The fact that you have an environment minister from Canada who seems more interested in collaborating with communists than actually being proactive and productive in dealing with environmental challenges in our country is deeply troubling.
When it comes to the revelations about not only what his actions were, but his attitude and the way he has conducted himself, I think the least we can do is ask those very serious questions. When you have a minister who, at that exact same time, was attacking provincial governments for various things, it constitutionally calls into question his understanding of his role. He was more interested in attacking provincial governments than the human rights and environmental violations of a Communist dictatorship. It was unbelievable.
I heard from many constituents. In fact, I did a number of events in the aftermath of Minister Guilbeault's trip and some of the headlines that resulted from it, and constituents who are no fans of the Liberals on the best of days were truly ashamed that the Government of Canada and a minister of the Crown would conduct themselves in this way.
I think it's the least this committee can do to ask that minister the tough questions he needs to be asked about his conduct in this matter.