Thanks, Chair.
I understand and appreciate the role of the opposition, which is to find anything and everything and just throw it at the wall, whatever may stick, whatever may not.
However, I have been waiting—and pardon my frustration, Chair—for months and months to start a study that is so important to me and so important to young people all across this country. I just had a meeting with my youth council, who all tell me how afraid they are of social media and the use of their data, their privacy, their safety and security online.
I am just not understanding why there's one thing after another on what sounds like mere conjecture: “Maybe there is something there, so let's go and dig it up to see if we find a bone here.” I would rather we take up a motion and study it, knowing and understanding how much my constituents and Canadians are waiting for us to do something about the issue of social media and how it impacts the safety, security and privacy of Canadians, especially young people in my community.
Chair, I strongly think this motion should be voted down and that we should move on to an issue that Canadians genuinely care about, on which we could put out solid recommendations. We could hear from solid experts and actually try to resolve an issue that is going to impact the daily lives of Canadians today.
Thanks, Chair.