Thank you very much, Chair.
I think it's concerning that we would not permit the committee to take a look at what, obviously, is a very concerning situation and the associated documentation. The government has a track record of covering up, of not producing documents when asked and of hiding behind things like cabinet confidence.
Mr. Chair, I think it's important that this motion be expansive in allowing this committee to access any and all documentation that is related to this issue to ensure that Canadians can in fact get answers.
With respect to the intent of the motion, we understand and we've heard that an audit and an investigation has taken place, but certainly, there's a basic question of trust here. Certainly, I hear from Canadians on a daily basis that there is not trust in the government and, as a result, I think this committee needs to have the ability to ask for those documents and certainly should be entitled to do so.
I think it is incumbent upon us to keep that in the motion, and I certainly will not be supporting this amendment.