Thank you, Chair.
I'm going to suggest some amendments to Mr. Barrett's motion: changing the time and date to 5 p.m. tomorrow, October 31; asking the person he has asked to appear, the assistant deputy minister, to appear with officials when the minister comes—he would probably be here anyway, but that's just to ensure that this individual is with the officials when he appears; and also, Chair, that you call a subcommittee meeting to get a work plan for us.
We just passed a motion from Mr. Villemure about having the RCMP come. That issue was so important to you last week, Chair, that you called a meeting without consulting any of us, and Mr. Barrett proceeded to post on Facebook Live and to post all of our email addresses. Do you know, Mr. Barrett, that we had to create a misogyny subfolder in my inbox because of the type of emails we got after you posted that? I don't know if you're aware of just how horrific were the emails that we got. I could send some of them to you, Michael, but based on your using that meeting, which was your number one priority last week....
Those are the changes I'd like to see, Mr. Chair: that you call a subcommittee meeting; that the time be amended to 5 p.m. tomorrow; and that the ADM—I don't remember the gentleman's name—be asked to appear with officials when the minister appears.