I think it depends a little bit on the kind of data. It's an interesting question to pose: Can you opt out? Well, you can opt out, certainly, or you ought to have the right, I would say, to opt out of a program like this.
It doesn't seem to me that.... This is useful information, to be sure, and I think you can make a compelling case that it's valuable to have that sort of information, this kind of data. You see it play out in a number of different places. There's a lot of talk about waste water, for example, and trying to measure COVID-19 levels that way, as well.
We are anxious to get more data. The ability to opt out in those circumstances would seem to be appropriate. There might be circumstances, though, where the dependence of public health does require certain kinds of disclosures. We get that, of course, when we go into certain places and are required to disclose our vaccination status. That strikes me as entirely reasonable.
It seems to me that there are differences, depending on the circumstances in which this might be used and the data that's involved.