I think it's a very serious problem.
These aren't going to be hostile states; these are hostile terrorist organizations. These individuals will be sitting in another country. They are out there monitoring social media, creating their own websites and looking for youth. They are looking for those individuals who perhaps are on their own, sitting in their room on their computer exploring and trying to answer questions. They are very vulnerable. Then those individuals pick up and they build a relationship.
Traditionally, in the espionage world, we used to call that creating a honey pot. You attract these individuals to come to you. That's what they do. Once they have these individuals, they continue to work on them. They continue to give them media pictures. They build that extremist ideology and they mould that young mind.
That's what I'm very worried about, because I think we have a lot of very vulnerable youth at this time and a lot of very hostile actors who are willing to take advantage of those children.