Thank you very much.
Mr. Schindler, we had testimony last night from Mr. Prystay, who is an environmental engineer with the Canadian Construction Association, and he was talking about doing a lot of these environmental assessments. His company, Stantec, does a lot of these clear across Canada. He didn't look like one of these young student engineers who was doing these ten-page reports.
He talked about his experience and the work they do, and he talked about the inconsistencies across Canada, especially with DFO's habitat biologists and various projects and the level of aid that's required to support a review, the level of habitat compensation that's required when a project goes for authorization. It's quite variable across the country, and it's even reflected in the operational statements that DFO has across the different management units.
This bill is attempting to try to put some more standardization around that. Do you read anything in the bill that is not saying that, and do you see that standardization across the country as a bad thing?