First of all, thank you, colleagues. I look forward to the important work we'll do together.
I also want to communicate to you the fact that I take very seriously the responsibilities of chair. I do bring with me some relevant background, in that I was a referee for a number of years. I understand that the best-officiated games are the ones in which the officials are not that much noticed, and I'll endeavour to be as fair as I can in my presiding over the discussions we have. I also assure you that I will do my best to apply the rules of our discussion equally well to all members of our committee.
I thank you for the challenge of this role.
We'll proceed with routine motions. I'll ask for the clerk's guidance, of course, as I go through this.
You all have, I believe, copies of the routine motions in front of you. We'll begin with the first motion, regarding the services of analysts from the Library of Parliament.