Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Let me briefly, for the benefit of the committee, introduce the colleagues who are with me today.
There's Mr. Bill Baker, who has just recently been appointed the deputy commissioner and chief operating officer of the Canada Revenue Agency; Jim Ralston, who the committee knows is the chief financial officer of the agency; Stephen O'Connor, who is assistant commissioner for corporate strategy and business development; and Lysanne Gauvin, who is assistant commissioner for human resources for the agency. We've got other staff in the room to try to answer all the questions of the committee.
With your permission, I have a quick statement. Thank you for inviting us.
The report we've tabled, which I think you have in front of you--it has been distributed--was prepared by the CRA and was first tabled in the committee just a little over a year ago, so we're re-tabling it now.
Six years ago, Parliament launched a major experiment in public sector governance. New legislation created an agency with unique characteristics designed to merge the best of what public and private sector governance had to offer.
Parliament's reason for passing the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act in 1999 was to give the Agency the means to persue three key objectives: provide superior service to Canadians; work more efficiently and effectively internally; and develop closer partnerships with the provinces and territories.
What can now be observed is that the CRA has matured into a truly pan-Canadian organization, able to better serve all taxpayers by improving revenue collection and by eliminating unnecessary overlap between jurisdictions. It is also clear that five years is a short time to assess major changes in governance.
Overall, agency management recommended a year ago that members of Parliament take note of the progress outlined in the five-year report and consider allowing this experiment to be pursued and explored fully for at least another five years.
The key characteristics of the agency's governance regime are: a board of management, responsible for human resources, procurement, real estate, and the administration of the agency, and this board is composed, by law, of individuals from the private sector, the majority of whom are nominated by the provinces and territories; the Minister of National Revenue, responsible for program legislation administered by the agency, and with whom our government clients can work at the political level; a commissioner, or chief executive officer, responsible for ensuring day-to-day management of the agency, under the board's guidance; and a strengthened accountability regime arising from the fact that the agency is entrusted with taxpayer money on behalf of many governments in Canada.
Like all departments and agencies, CRA is required to prepare reports on plans and priorities as well as performance reports. However, it must submit two additional documents: a corporate business plan and an annual report. The board of management's input is reflected in our three-year corporate business plan, which details the agency's objectives and strategies to achieve them.
The reliability of CRA's performance is, uniquely, also subject to reviews by the Office of the Auditor General, named in the legislation as the agency's auditor.
To provide some context for committee members, I'd like to highlight a few statistics that describe the agency and its work. We have 43,300 employees. We collect over $305 billion annually on behalf of federal, provincial, territorial, and several first nations governments. We distribute nearly $12 billion worth of benefits and credit payments to more than 11 million eligible Canadians. Finally, we administer 190 programs for 126 clients. We are recognized as a world leader with respect to innovations such as electronic filing and government online.
There is still work to be done in many areas. The transformation ordered by Parliament six years ago is very far-reaching and very complex. It must be done while maintaining the integrity of the federal and provincial tax bases. In areas such as tax compliance, collection, staffing and recourse, real estate, or board of management governance, we're still at work bringing significant improvements.
The organizational changes and accountability mechanisms have enabled us to make significant achievements in regard to all of our priority objectives. As the report has demonstrated, Canadians are now receiving better, faster and higher quality tax and benefit administration.
In the first five years of our mandate from Parliament, we built a strong and mature organization that is a leader in the public service. Our success to date indicates that our model is sound and that we're capable of taking more responsibility from governments.
So on that, Mr. Chairman, I welcome the questions of the committee.