Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Congratulations on your appointment, Mr. Baker.
And welcome Ms. Gauvin, Mr. Dorais, Mr. O'Connor and Mr. Ralston.
Mr. Dorais, I'd like to ask you a few questions. A few years ago, the Auditor General, who was Mr. Desautels, I believe, revealed that, on December 24, 1991, an advance ruling had been made on the transfer of two family trusts to the United States, and subsequently perhaps elsewhere. We don't know, because we lost track of them. There were some senior officials from the Department of National Revenue, the Department of Finance, the Department of Justice and other departments. This decision authorized that family to transfer those trusts without requesting guarantees and without taxes being paid to Revenue Canada.
Eighteen months later, the Minister of Finance at the time introduced a bill providing that, every time advance rulings were made on asset transfers—either through family trusts or other vehicles—the party transferring those assets would have to post guarantees in advance to avoid being exempted from its tax obligations in Canada.
I subsequently questioned the Deputy Minister of National Revenue, before the Agency was created, and I was told that Revenue Canada was not equipped to monitor those investors who were transferring assets, that there were no specialists monitoring these people closely. If these people realized their assets in less than 10 years, they had to pay a certain amount to Revenue Canada. If they did it more than 10 years later, there was no problem.
So I ask you whether you now have any specialists who have enough resources to closely monitor these people who transfer assets outside Canada.