Actually, we created the agency in that period of time. That was a major investment.
If you look at our volume of growth, for example, we sustained a growth of about.... If you look at the report on page 64, you see in figure 10 the graph that shows the growth from 1999 to 2004. The agency did not receive a single penny from the government budget process to allow for the growth in revenue. All this was funded through reallocations coming out of efficiency measures.
We certainly did concentrate a huge amount of money in there. We made major investments in fundamental systems that we needed to put in place; the GST redesign that we started a number of years ago required major investment, year after year.
The issue is always the same. We've been quite open about that. We always have choices when it comes down to allocating the money. We did improve dramatically--and I think the Auditor General mentioned it--on the accounts receivable. We were growing and growing every year, and we've now matched the intake. We're at the stage of having stabilized the thing. The board of management has been following that very closely.
So we've made some progress on that front. Have we got the right system to have a really top-notch collection? No, we haven't got that yet.