I think it would be focusing on our core capacities. I think the agency is always at risk. Because we are good at certain things, we're always at risk of spreading ourselves in all kinds of directions. We are good at collection and benefits administration in large volume or for the benefit of government clients. That's our core business, and I think we really need to keep our eyes on the ball. That would be priority number one.
Priority number two is maximizing the use of the particular governance model we have. I would venture to say that we have not, over the first five years, taken as full advantage of the private sector and applied this to our organization as we could have. This is why we came with the recommendation that we need some more time to really make that work to a peak.
The board of management has evolved tremendously over the last year, and it has had input more and more into the management of the agency, and we're starting to see some results.
The last element is to look at maximizing the use of the capacity we have throughout the country. We can grow the business in areas that we're already in; we can solicit new business. We have additional capacities in some places we can use to deliver programs on behalf of governments across the country, so we're looking at ways to maximize that. Those would be my three priorities.