Thanks, Lucie.
That's not fully answering your question.
We've put it out. It's on the website. There's a hotline to call. It was a good example of what needs to be done to put out information quickly. It wasn't on the website. It was very hard to find on the CRA website right away. We simplified it.
Next we're going to survey our membership and find out how it went. But right now, we're not hearing too much. I think people are getting ready to do it. It's a tough time to do it--on July 1--but I think they're ready.
I also want to highlight how great the department was, but more importantly, it's a case study in which the finance department has done the policy and has then told CRA to implement it. Often we want both parties at the table, because when you have a policy, it's terrible if it's implemented poorly. We may support reducing the rate by 1%, but if you don't know how to do it or you don't have the time to do it, it could be a disaster. So this is a great example of all three parties working.
Finally, we asked our members where they go for information and advice important to their business. “Government” was just above “other” for where they would go for information and advice. They go to their suppliers, their advisers, and their trade associations. As a matter of fact, the smaller accountants are using this and distributing it to their clients.
Anyway, it was a case study. We're going to follow up on it in terms of how prepared they are.
We also put it out in the media. We had about 150 media hits. It went to all the rural newspapers to inform them of what was involved.
We think they're prepared. We're not hearing any bad news about it.