Again, I'll go back to the GST. It's a 1% reduction in the GST. No one was thinking about the compliance side of it. We brought it to the table. We did a quick survey. We said, “Oh, did you realize that you have to change your catalogues, you have to change your cash register, you have to change these things?” Then the revenue agency said yes, they knew about it. Therefore, we need more time. So there's the actual tax announcement, but then there's the implementation of that tax announcement, and often that is the case.
On the GST, when it was first introduced, it wasn't the rate exclusively that was the issue. It was the compliance burden that was the issue. So that's where I think, if there's a message here....
CRA often identifies itself as a collector of revenue. We see them as a major player in the economy, because they're the ones that implement these policies. Sometimes there are good policies that are so complex that they're not even implemented, and I think that's one thing we could look at.