Thank you very much for excellent presentations. I just wish we had more time with each of you, but your briefs are very complete.
I want to take a minute to thank many of you in the charitable sector for your ad on September 18 showing some appreciation for the measures in the last budget and how they helped you, and pointing out that donations to the charitable sector have increased substantially because of this. It's always nice to know how measures in the budget actually play out in the real world, and it's nice that you let others know too, because we get a lot of criticism, and sometimes approval comes in handy and is encouraging.
I notice some very good recommendations from all of you about further improvements that need to be made. I really appreciate the bar association—they always do great work and complete work—and Imagine Canada, and others. I want you to know we have these under consideration. There are so many competing demands, of course, on government coffers, but we are really actively considering these.
I want to tell you that we're tabling some technical amendments to the Income Tax Act very shortly, and some of the concerns you have might have made it into that bill. I have to confess, I haven't read it line by line yet, but it's pretty thick, so maybe some of your concerns were caught as they flew by.
I want to ask the MS Society—and I think your recommendations are really excellent, particularly the point you make about people with MS, and other conditions too, who can work sometimes, while some days aren't so good, and that really should be taken into consideration. But you mentioned no tax receipts for less than $250. I thought that was rather a high threshold. Can you explain this a little bit?