That was good. My sister works for a charity, and it drives her crazy, because for every $25 she has to send out tax receipts, and every time there's a fundraiser she takes days to do it. It is a big consideration, I know.
I want to commend, Mr. Dudding—and I know all of us feel this way around the table in the room—the work your groups do with our kids. This is volunteer time. It's a tremendous commitment, and it makes such a difference in the lives of these young children and young men and women. In my view, and I know it would be yours too, government programs can never make up for personal involvement and mentoring, caring, and sharing. Particularly for single parents, this is a lifeline.
So congratulations for what you do. We're very sympathetic to your needs and appreciate the brief you put forward.
I wonder whether you could pick out one thing that would help you more than anything. If you could just funnel it down to that—not that there could be only one thing on the table—what's your biggest concern?