Thank you very much.
I'm going to go fast. Five minutes runs out quickly.
Mr. Poston, first of all, you had a very good brief, but I think what you're doing is really just trying to--not cover, that's the wrong word--fill in for government negligence. What you've identified is a clear area of government responsibility, which we've known about for many years--never mind the global economy. Back in 2000 Vanessa Young died from an adverse reaction that should have been identified. Nothing has really been done...I mean, all of what you've recommended should have been done by now; it was part of the coroner's inquest.
It also begs the question about how we put in place a system that was there but was really just taken away from Canadians, starting back in 1996 when the Liberal health minister, Allan Rock, dismantled the drug research laboratory, the one capacity we had in this country to test adverse reactions between drugs and drugs, drugs and natural food products, drugs and food, and drugs and so on.
It just blows me away that we are so far behind in this very vital area. How do we get the government to take responsibility for something that's part of its mandate? It shouldn't be left to groups like yours to have to push for.