I agree, and in my involvement with CIHR--in my case, through the Heart and Stroke Foundation--the transformation from the MRC to CIHR has meant so much more in terms of non-profits being able to partner with organizations, bringing their funding together at a national level, pooling it, matching it. I think it's very important and I would hate to see it cut.
The last thing I want to say--because I have probably less than three minutes left now--relates to your recommendation on home care. Home care is really important, obviously, for people with MS, as it is for many people with disabilities. The fiscal imbalance that concerns me is not Ottawa and the provinces, but rich province and poor province. I come from a poor province. Our home care is not good in spite of great home care workers. There just aren't enough of them and not enough money. I wonder if you would agree that when we do implement some kind of national home care, doing it on a per capital basis is going to do nothing to decrease the gap between those provinces that have good home care and those that don't.