That makes sense.
I want to say I appreciate Mr. Brown's presentation. I think I could listen to you reading the poem book and enjoy it. It was very good.
Ms. Sheutiapik, I wonder if I could ask you this quickly. We know you have tremendous challenges in the north, with a lot of new developments and a new emphasis on protecting and securing our northern territory and your need for a long-term game plan for your area. I think it's very sensible to be going in that direction. You mentioned something called the resources curse. That interested me because certainly every other part of the country I know has benefited hugely from resources. Of course, we have many countries in the global community who would give their right arm for a fraction of Canada's resources.
I was curious, then, as to why you might use a term like that about something that other countries long to have. Also, could you tell us what you believe the needs are in the communications area and in the infrastructure area to assist residents of your area to really move ahead and build a strong future with the opportunities that are coming your way?