I think there is the benefit of the fiscal dividend in terms of paying down the debt. There's also the actual benefit that it kind of sets the tone in the sense that debt reduction is still important, and reducing that debt-to-GDP ratio as fast as possible is very important.
I think that's a very important tone to set for the long-term benefit in terms of where this country goes in the next 10, 20, to 30 years as the baby boom moves through and as the demographics mean that we're going to have an older population going forward. It's just a very important statement to make in terms of getting the fiscal framework in order.
The other statement it certainly says to me is that federal spending in and of itself today is relatively high, and this government is going to live within its priorities, or is going to live within its means and set its priorities within that amount. I think that's an important statement to make as well in terms of fiscal health in the long run.