Thank you very much.
If you want to look for the cutbacks, it's under the category of “value for money”, where they take $70 million out of refocusing workplace skills strategy, $42 million out of industrial programs, and so on. So I'll just leave you with that.
I have to say to Diane Watts that your description of a feminist made me cringe a bit because I consider myself a feminist. I was reminded of what my son said when he was nine years old. He was confronted in the schoolyard by some kids who were bullying someone else and accusing her of being a feminist, or they were talking about feminists and saying that feminists kill their children and divorce their husbands. My son stood up. He was nine at the time, and he's seventeen now. He stood up and said that feminists are people who stick up for women's rights.
I think that is what we have to focus on, giving choices and opportunities for women to be who they are and to achieve their full potential.
I wanted to ask Mr. Lalonde and Mr. Davis, who have clearly understood the importance of using the gender analysis, this question. Looking at problems through the lens of women, what do you see? Why is it important? Why do we have women's programs through Status of Women Canada? Why do we need more focus on the health field.