Mr. Chair, members of the Standing Committee on Finance, thank you very much for allowing us to speak today on the importance of investing in vaccines for our children.
I'm the medical officer of health for the Kingston area. I'd like to acknowledge my colleague from the coalition, Mary Appleton, who is the director of the program. I'm the co-chair of the coalition.
We've given you a written submission, and we have three points we'd like to make today orally: that vaccines are a good investment; that the national immunization strategy needs to be continued; and that there must be equal access to vaccines for our children across Canada.
Immunization is one of the most cost-effective medical interventions because it prevents disease. It's the safest and most effective way to protect Canadians, especially our children, from the preventable complications of communicable diseases.
In the past, vaccines have prevented millions of cases of illnesses and many disabilities and deaths. They have a proven track record of improving the health of our population.
Can you imagine the immense burden on our health system if there were still mass outbreaks of polio, measles, meningitis, or diphtheria? The large outbreaks of these diseases are now mercifully a distant memory, because vaccines work and governments have invested in them. That investment needs to be maintained and expanded to ensure continued protection with the current vaccines and access to the new vaccines that are becoming available to reduce illness in Canadians.
The investment in vaccines is far less costly than the potential cost of treatment, rehabilitation, and long-term care and the disruption to individuals, families, and communities. The federal government and the Parliament of Canada can play a critical leadership role to ensure that vaccines are equitably available to Canadians, regardless of where they live.
The national immunization strategy forms an essential support for vaccine programs in Canada. It paves the way for more coordination across this country, but it needs continued financial support. We are strongly urging that the national immunization strategy be supported and made permanent, as it is in other advanced countries.
The other two recommendations we're making refer to the need for federal government leadership to ensure equitable access to vaccines for all Canadians. The current provincial and territorial decision-making process for determining publicly funded vaccine programs results in inequitable access.
Here's a local example. Just two years ago, families in Ottawa had to pay for a new meningococcal vaccine--a meningitis vaccine--while across the river in Quebec it was publicly funded. The phenomenon happened right across the country as jurisdictions considered these vaccines, but with very little coordination.
There are many other examples. It took 10 years for us to implement hepatitis B vaccine for all Canadian children. It took seven years for the new pertussis vaccine for adolescents to be publicly funded in all provinces. While the provinces took their time to decide whether their children would enjoy the benefit of these preventive measures, thousands of individuals and families suffered unnecessarily from preventable disease, and the diagnostic and treatment costs accumulated. This scenario was repeated with the chicken pox, meningococcal, and pneumococcal vaccines. It will happen again with future vaccines that are coming down for use in our country.
Only in March 2004, when the federal government created a specific fund of $300 million for provinces and territories to buy vaccines, did all jurisdictions implement these publicly funded programs for all Canadian children. Before that fund was created, Canadian children in the wealthier provinces had access to vaccines, while children in poorer provinces did not.
This fund ends on March 31, 2007. If federal funds intended for vaccines are included in the Canada health transfer, they may be lost to other programs, and again we will see inequitable access.
Clearly not all vaccines approved for use in this country should be publicly funded. We have our national advisory committee on immunization that recommends how a vaccine should be used and for which groups. If it does recommend the universal use of a vaccine for children, governments should consider public funding. But implementation and health priorities are variable across the country, and that's where our system is fractured, leaving Canadians with a patchwork of access.
Without leadership and funding for vaccines at the national level to ensure accessibility for all children, some children will benefit from vaccine programs and others will not. Immunization is an opportunity for the federal government, together with provinces and territories, to show leadership in the prevention of disease.
There is a precedent. Four decades ago, the Parliament of Canada began contributing to the treatment sector of the Canadian health system. It is time that it also contributes significantly and consistently to the preventive side of the system. Ensuring that all Canadian children have equal access to the preventive benefits of safe and effective vaccines is a good place to start. And it is consistent with one of the undisputed principles of our publicly funded health system: equal access to service.
This funding cannot wait. There are new vaccines already approved for use in Canada, and there are more new vaccines on the horizon, leaving funding decisions entirely to discretion. Again the fiscal priorities of provinces and territories will lead us inevitably to a patchwork.
Ladies and gentlemen, a separate, permanent fund to be used for vaccines for our children must be established in this country.
Thank you very much.