As I indicated in my opening comments, I think healthy communities are essential if we're going to have a prosperous nation. Municipal governments alone can't begin to fund the infrastructure programs that are required for a modern society, so we will continue to require support from both of the other orders of government, federal and provincial, in order to provide that infrastructure.
We were very pleased to be able to work directly with the federal government for the delivery of the federal gas tax to municipalities across Ontario. I think we're the only province in the nation that was able to do this. I think it is an excellent example of where municipalities can play a role in making financial resources that are made available to us by the other orders of government more efficient. Our AMO flows that money to our 445 municipalities in the province.
In order to do that, we require two staff and a little time from a couple of our other full-time staffers. So our delivery cost in that program amounts to about 1% of the total amount of money that's being flowed to municipalities. I think that's a case where a direct federal-municipal relationship has worked effectively for the good of all of our citizens.