Quite simply, what will be happening is instead of having exhibit openings, we're going to have exhibit closings. Museums are going to close. We've already seen that. In Quebec City, le Musée d’art Inuit Brousseau closed last year. It was a terrific museum dedicated to Inuit art. President Chirac visited it when he was in Quebec City. We've seen this with other small communities across Canada.
We're going to see staff dwindling. We believe further cuts are coming in such areas as student employment. There is an excellent summer student employment program through museums, art galleries, art archives and libraries. We believe cuts are coming to that.
I think the bigger, longer-term question is really our commitment to our culture and our heritage. I think Canadians, and you as parliamentarians, need to ask that question. Is our culture, our heritage, important to us? If it is, at what price, and how do we finance it?
We believe our recommendations were well founded, were arrived at through wide consultation with our community, were widely accepted, and were for the most part very reasonable. We were not expecting the federal government to do everything. We see that we have a responsibility to be efficient and practical in what we do to raise attendance and raise our own revenues. Over 59 million visitors attend our museums each year or over half a million people who are card-carrying members of our institutions. These are very tangible results of success and of popularity. In one public opinion poll after another, 85% of people support the museums and want to see increased funding, and 65% of our international visitors visit our museums.