As we've stated in some of the discussion so far, obviously it's not only in the system. We first have to look at those who aren't accessing the system. It starts very early for both lifelong learners as well as people coming out of the K-to-12 system. How are we going to ensure that all can access the system? Obviously, there have to be some pathways to aid and facilitate that.
The second issue is obviously within the system, and that's what the current government has looked at with tax credits and has provided the appropriate funding to students for.
I think the third big one, which is one that is obviously a big concern for us because we're dealing with the student debts at the end of our studies, is the day after graduation. You have $35,000 worth of debt, so what's the next step? I think you really have to be there the whole way through the educational experience and higher learning.