Absolutely, sir. As part of the process that we utilized in order to be able to develop our white paper, which we tabled earlier, we reached out to all of our constituents across the country. We held a number of forums, focus groups, round table meetings--and that culminated with a national dealer survey. One of the things we found on this particular issue was that dealers were being audited on a more frequent basis, two to three times a year. I guess the frustration in part lay with the fact that, on a number of occasions, audits are started but not completed. The auditors get called away. They had asked the business owners and their staff to produce a variety of documentation, and so on, and then that documentation was literally left, in a number of instances that were reported to us, on a table somewhere for months and the auditor never returned. So the material was just filed away again.
I would think that corroborates some of the feedback we've been getting.