Thank you very much.
I have kept my last question for Mr. Ouellette from the Canadian Alliance of Students Association. I was involved myself for a long time in some associations, not so long ago, as you can probably guess. I remember that at that time we were hearing about the Millennium Scholarships. Quebec had a good bursary system. So we asked for that money to be simply given to the Quebec government so that it could improve the existing system, rather than having another layer at the national level that would have different objectives.
If I understand your proposal correctly, you still want to see the federal government involved in improving scholarships and therefore involved in the education field.
Do you agree with the Quebec student movement, which is calling instead for a special status? If the rest of Canada wants to do things differently, it can choose to do so, but people are asking that the federal government not interfere with what is being done right now in Quebec, and that the money be given to the Quebec program.