Thank you very much. I just want to say once again how happy I am to hear you say that. The fact is that people frequently come before this Committee asking that the federal government interfere in areas of provincial jurisdiction. That is the case again today. People are asking for national highway policies. It's just as frequent in such areas as health care and immigration. Committee members may be thinking that you are from another planet. Or maybe you've just come from another country. In any case, the difference is quite striking.
I would like to take your reasoning one step further. You are asking for a post-secondary education transfer. What the Bloc Québécois is asking for is that, with a view to resolving the fiscal imbalance, there eventually be a fiscal transfer -- in other words, that this money be paid directly to Quebec, to be used as Quebec saw fit. To avoid a repeat of the 1995 cuts, the $4.9 billion would be paid out now, and in two or three years, when the federal government's priorities change, we would come back again.
Do the members of your organization support that position or would they simply prefer, even over the long term, that the federal government be the one to set these amounts?