Yes, it is, and it's a point that we had the opportunity to make yesterday in front of the blue ribbon panel with all the sectors of the not-for-profit sector.
There are grants to artists, and they are problems, because if you give a grant to an artist to create something, it may be considered garbage now, but in 60 years' time it may sell for x million dollars. So it's very difficult to apply some criteria.
But in terms of organizations, there was a commonality of views around the table yesterday with the blue ribbon panel that there is over-accountability in many cases, particularly with organizations like--I'm sorry to take a personal example--the CCA, which has been funded each year by the federal government for the past 30 years. We've been in existence for 60 years. Each year we start from scratch. We start from scratch in establishing our credentials. We start from scratch in filling forms that keep changing, and we are the most accountable. Every quarter I have to report a breakdown of every activity that we've done by the minute. The Federal Accountability Act is going to add to that because we are considered as lobbyists, even though we do not represent any particular interest.