I can confirm I am a real person, and I am indeed upset about the literacy cuts.
In terms of the question about literacy cuts being debated during a time for women's issues, I think it's important to note that statistically women do have lower literacy than men. That was in the IALS survey released earlier this year. I think it brings up a very important point about literacy as an intergenerational problem. We talk about women, and specifically mothers and the importance of being able to pass on literacy skills from parent to child. One of the biggest problems in literacy is that it is intergenerational. So when we have an incident such as John Baird saying last week that there wasn't much point in fixing the problem, it was time to go from the ground up, that just doesn't work, because you have the parents in the home. They're the very first ones to be delivering literacy programs in even the most basic sense of rhyming and reading with young children. If those parents don't have the capacity to do that, then you look at a whole new generation that struggles with literacy and has challenges.