Thank you, Mr. Chairman, distinguished members of the finance committee, and my colleagues.
First of all, thanks for travelling to Vancouver.
I want to address the question you asked--Canada's place in a competitive world--in three ways: first, around life sciences; second, around Genome British Columbia, which is the organization I represent; and third, with recommendations to the finance committee.
First of all, in terms of life science and the business sectors they support, they're increasingly important to the prosperity of British Columbia and Canada. These sectors include such areas as health; forestry, as we've heard; fisheries; agriculture; livestock; wine; environment; and also bio products increasingly for mining, energy, and other industries. I understand the committee is going to Fort McMurray at one point, and one of the interesting things is that we have a project starting with the province of Alberta around microbes in that area to reduce the viscosity of the tar sands. To some extent, life science permeates a lot of the industry and the competitiveness of that industry, as we see it now.
As you know, all living organisms, whether bacteria, microbes, or viruses, have genomes, and this describes to some extent their whole and complete set of genes and genetic material. It's really this underlying molecular understanding of life sciences that's critical to us in Canada, as we look at the universities developing skills for the 21st century, or our innovation capacity that requires infrastructure, or even our industry sectors in Canada that are trying to compete in a global-based economy.
To quote Henry Friesen, for example, “Genomics and proteomics will be to the next 20 years what computers and the Internet have been for the last—a quantum step into new frontiers of knowledge, transforming how we view disease, how we manage our resources, and how we generate energy.” That's life sciences.
Turning for a moment to Genome British Columbia, we've been quite involved in the economic sectors in British Columbia. We started in 2000, and motivated by Dr. Michael Smith, who was a Nobel laureate here in life sciences, we've really become a tenet or an anchor franchise, if you like, for genomics research in British Columbia and key to the province's life science strategy. The province, to some extent, is a life science province. We don't have automobile manufacturing and other things like that necessarily here.
We have now an approved $300 million program from 2000 on, including 28 large-scale projects in each of these areas of life science, and they're all supported by substantial community infrastructure, technology and science platforms at universities, teaching hospitals, and industry. It's an effort that to date has created more than 500 jobs, trained more than 700 researchers, produced over 1,000 scientific articles and papers and so on, and is critical to the success of the province in this knowledge-based economy.
I've told you about Genome British Columbia because I think you should feel proud. In fact, all of this has been possible really only because the federal government some time ago made a strategic investment in Canada's future in research and development. Genome Canada was created six years ago. This is an independent organization, but we're linked by contract.
Half of the $300 million coming into British Columbia comes from Genome Canada in national competitions. We have to compete for it. With the help of partners--the provincial government, industry, foundations, and so on--we've raised the other $150 million, all being put into these areas of genomics. This is one of the largest targeted research programs in British Columbia's history.
That's Genome British Columbia.
Thirdly, in terms of recommendations, our request to you today is fairly direct. We're asking you to recommend to the Minister of Finance and his department to fund Genome Canada in the 2007 budget. Genome Canada has been successful, and as a result, Genome Canada has few uncommitted funds remaining.
In the last six years Genome Canada and the genome centres like ours have leveraged $600 million in federal funding into more than $1.4 billion of research. That has led to a significant number of links with biotech companies, inventions, and so on. If we just look at one company, Genentech, in California, which was created in 1976, that company today is worth more than the Royal Bank, Alcan, Bombardier, and Noranda combined. The time has come for Canada to generate its own Genentech.
Mr. Chairman, we would urge investment in Genome Canada this year because it is accountable and results-oriented; because it's critical to the success of organizations such as mine, Genome B.C.; because it enables Canada to be on the leading edge of genomics research and to address the commercial and social challenges we face; and because it's critical to competitiveness in the life science sectors of health, fisheries, forestry, agriculture, mining, energy, and the environment--in other words, in our global knowledge-based economy.
Thank you very much.