Thank you, Mr. Chairperson.
It seems to me what I'm hearing most of the panellists say—and I don't want to put words in your mouth, and I don't want to try to bias the discussion, which the chair will accuse me of—what you seem to be saying is that it's more important at this point to be looking at investing on a strategic basis in various sectors of the Canadian social fabric and economy, as opposed to tax cuts.
I think, Rita, you said it in your answer to John McCallum that tax cuts at this point are not a very positive public policy in the face of the dire needs we're facing.
I'd like some of you to comment on that, because I don't think the question is the GST cut versus the personal income tax cut at this point. It is really investing in areas where we can see some growth and positive changes.
Maybe I'll start with Tenants.