It's a very good question.
If you look at Canada and compare it to countries like Japan, Korea, and some of the other nations that are really leaders in innovation, you will find that they have a much higher percentage of people who are engineers and scientists, relative to those who are in the arts. So one of our challenges is to ensure that we have that balance correct. I think there's a good amount of statistics to say what would be a right number.
The other challenge we have is that students who want to go into the arts I think have to be encouraged, because we do need people in those disciplines. I'm a great believer in that. I think our challenge has been that we've underinvested in those areas, so those who do go into the arts do not get a quality education necessarily. There are disciplines like music, fine arts, and so on that are really suffering in this country because, again, we've not invested adequately.
So when I talk about a balance, on the one hand it's having adequate numbers of engineers and scientists and on the other hand having quality education in the arts so that the people who come out with business and other degrees have what they need.