I'm sorry, your time is up.
I'll just insert a quick question, if I may, and then we'll continue with the second round of questions.
Recently, I believe it was in Policy Options magazine that former Premier Lougheed referred to the situation here as “a mess” and suggested in essence that it was sort of a “killing the goose to get the golden egg” situation, that development had proceeded far too rapidly. And you are describing some of the consequences of that today.
You talked about employee shortages, worker shortages, and so on. For any of us who can remember back to our high school years, it must seem almost unbelievable that someone with very few skills can go out and make $50,000 to $80,000. It must be having an incredible effect on dropout rates.
I'll ask you, Mr. Shaw--and I have to react a bit when you suggest that lower tuitions might be an assist. It seems counterintuitive, when people can go out and make $70,000 and drop out of high school, that lower tuitions are going to bring more people into university and training.
So please reference that, and give us a bit of insight.