That's a loaded question.
The one thing that I think would most benefit the country would be a national agenda. I do think there is a reluctance when I hear of waiting lists in other jurisdictions, and I wonder if places like Saskatchewan have the capacity to offset some of the waiting lists that may exist in other provinces. I would suggest that, yes, there may be capacity in other provincial institutions. With the lack of a national agenda on this question, though, will it ever be addressed?
On the transfer directly to the college system, again, there are people who make decisions about the proportion of post-secondary resources that get transferred to universities or to colleges. I assume they are very wise folks who make those decisions. Again, though, if I look at the needs in the skills training sector, we're falling further and further behind in satisfying the needs of Canada, so I do think there needs to be an improvement in the level of resourcing to the system.