Yes. Indeed, I would like to be the number-two airport after Calgary to own the dirt.
Government has tremendous influence over airports through the inspection system and through the setting of the regulations that control the operations of the airport. The Government of Canada doesn't own your car, but you license your car, you have a licence, and you follow regulations. The Government of Canada does not own the airlines, but the airlines follow regulations. Why does the Government of Canada have to own the dirt and therefore tie my hands economically? I have tremendous difficulty running a business when I have to spend eighteen months getting paperwork approvals to have a new client come and rent land at the airport. If I owned that land, I could rent it and turn it around in single-digit business days.
So the Government of Canada has tremendous responsibility in safety, security, and regulating, through inspections, those systems. But they don't need to own the dirt to exercise those authorities.