Order, please. I will now introduce to our witnesses the concept of why we are here.
We are the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance. We're mandated by the House of Commons on an annual basis to consider and make reports upon proposals regarding the budgetary policies of the government. This year the theme of our consultations is Canada's place in a competitive world, and we have asked you to prepare presentations of five minutes in duration.
Thank you for being here and thank you for the work you've put into your briefs, which we will have distributed. I understand that some may be waiting for translation, but I assure you that committee members will be reviewing those.
I will give you an indication when you have a minute remaining, just so I don't have to cut you off in mid-sentence. I'd encourage you to wind up your presentations at that point so that we can allow time for an exchange, questions, and comments afterward by committee members.
To begin, we'll go to a representative from the Canadian Nurses Association, Marlene Smadu.