That's a difficult issue in first nations areas. It goes to the heart of treaties and the treaty relationship between Canada and the first nations.
Property rights have certain significance and are really received in two different ways. Property rights in the Canadian mainstream means title, deed, etc. Property rights or [Witness speaks in Mohawk language] means it's our land, but it has a totally different meaning. That is where the disconnect is.
I can only speak from experience from my own home, which is on Tyendinaga Mohawk territory, where we have a cultural background where there is a sense of ownership of land that is not the same as what you would find in the prairie provinces. There is a significant cultural aspect that builds in there, but I know there is a large movement toward land recognition, instead of property rights. That is something where I see a sense of movement around the country, particularly in the business areas, where the lack of clarity in property issues has all kinds of implications in business, particularly construction bonding, etc., and those kinds of things. It's a very complex question.