Thank you for both questions.
On the literacy side, it's absolutely clear that if we look at the international surveys of adult literacy, Canada lags far behind. I would say that investments in basic adult literacy are foundational to the public interest and also to the economic development of Canada. There's no doubt about it.
The leading OECD nations are the Scandinavian nations that score the highest on those international surveys. Again I would hope that we would want to be number one alongside those nations with respect to adult literacy, but that clearly means investment.
On the second point, when Marc Renaud was president of SSHRC, we estimated what the increase should be. Now we have a new president, Dr. Chad Gaffield, who I believe will be presenting to you on Wednesday. As he takes on this new task, he's trying to come up with a new estimate, and I think we want to wait for his assessment before putting a figure on it.