Thank you.
The Canadian Health Food Association is a national not-for-profit association. We represent over 80% of the natural products industry. Our members include retailers, manufacturers, suppliers, importers, and distributors involved within the industry. Our products are wide-ranging and include vitamins, minerals, herbal products, homeopathics, traditional medicines, and natural and organic products. These all help lay the foundation for good nutrition and ongoing health and well-being in the Canadian population.
Our vision for our industry is to be the primary destination for Canadians seeking optimal health and quality of life. Our industry is a $3.5 billion industry, with over 70% of the sales coming from natural health products and supplements. Our industry employs about 25,000 Canadians across the supply chain and has become a significant contributor to the economy. The industry has more than doubled in the last five years, and nearly 80% of the products are actually manufactured by Canadian manufacturers. We have approximately 10,000 retail establishments across the country offering these products.
Consumer knowledge and acceptance of our products is continuing to grow, and self-care among Canadians has increased to over three-quarters of the Canadian public. In the last year, 44% of Canadians indicated that they have practised more self-care using our products than they had in previous years, and 52% of them said they would continue to increase this in the future.
In January 2004 new regulations were introduced to ensure the safety, efficacy, and quality of our products sold in Canada, including the licensing of all manufacturers, importers, packagers, and labellers, as well as applications for every individual product. Complete labelling information must now be available on all products, including a full ingredient disclosure, the range of active ingredients, warnings, etc.
Canada's world leadership in this area, in recognizing and regulating natural health products, occurs just as scientific research is also confirming the role of these products in achieving health benefits and the resulting cost savings to health care. A growing body of evidence internationally continues to demonstrate that increased use of natural health products can improve and achieve a magnitude of savings for the health care system in this country measured in the billions of dollars.
Natural health products usage can also help to significantly reduce wait times by more than 50% by keeping people healthy and out of hospitals. A recent study has demonstrated that a simple, cost-effective prenatal multiple vitamin taken daily by women of child-bearing age can drastically reduce the range of birth defects that affect one in every seventeen babies across this country. That multivitamin reduces those birth defects by over 50% in every instance.
Other research has demonstrated $6 billion in savings in cardiovascular disease treatment with the use of omega-3 fatty acids, flax seed, and folic acid, and another $3.2 billion from the use of a plant sterol that can decrease the risk of heart disease by over 20%. In the United States, two recent studies have shown that there is over $16.2 billion in savings from the health care system with calcium and folic acid.
We are asking for the following: that natural health products be a medically deductible expense, like their pharmaceutical cousins; that the GST be removed from natural health products to stimulate greater self-care; and that the natural health products directorate have adequate and sustained funding to properly evaluate and enforce the regulations. We'd also like additional research dollars and incentives available to companies active in this sector to support ongoing research in this area.
That's all I'll say at this point. Thank you.