Yes, I certainly support that initiative. It has been proven that the emergency responders in today's world are not equipped or trained properly to ascertain and do the job they have to do when it comes to USAR or CBRN. That money would be well spent by the government to ensure that all first responders in Canada are trained and equipped to a certain level, so that they can in fact protect the people and the structures as necessary.
Not only that, but under the mutual aid system, if you're called in to help your neighbour, if everybody is trained and equipped to the minimum level, to the same level, then we can all work together to help mitigate the situation in a quicker, more responsible manner. It's certainly a very worthwhile request. And I would urge you to certainly support that and make sure the money goes down to the municipalities and to the first responders, and that it doesn't get lost as it goes down in the process, as it has in the past. It has to get to the first responders who are actually going to the scene and doing the work.