There are few actual legal restrictions on the possibility of, in this case, suing the Province of Quebec, just as there are few legal restrictions on suing municipalities for any inadequate sewer system that may create all kinds of flooding and sewer backup, etc., in people's basements.
It's not the preferred approach of the insurance industry because the expenses of having a province or a municipality go through a legal case are ones we would rather see invested in the infrastructure itself. This game is not going to be solved by people suing each other. We want to avoid that. We want to work with the municipalities, with the provincial governments, but we need the federal government at the table because there is simply not enough money being invested in this country in very basic infrastructure and we are all going to pay a very sorry price. The answer is not taking each other to court. It is working together to ensure innovative financing methods are available, and I think the federal government has a role to play in this.