Absolutely. We can't fool ourselves, we live in a very international economy. Many of our industries depend on foreign investment, not just if you're a financial institution, but to be properly capitalized. If you're a manufacturer, you need to have the latest technology at your disposition. None of this falls from the sky. There are people who make decisions every day of the week and decide that Canada is a good place to do business and this is the kind of industry I want to put my dollars into. They are absolutely affected by the tax regime, so we need a competitive regime in Canada.
We absolutely need a competitive tax regime that allows the economy to generate new jobs. That's the way you're going to pay your bills as the federal government. That's the way you're going to be able to invest modestly in additional infrastructure spending. That's the way you're going to be able to protect Canada against natural disasters. But none of this is going to happen if we don't have a competitive tax regime that creates jobs in Canada and gives the Parliament of Canada the money that you can direct accordingly.