Education, or the fancy term we use for it sometimes, social marketing, is creating a positive buzz around acting responsibly in connection with the environment. In the same way that four decades ago drinking and driving was a wink-wink, nudge-nudge thing, or smoking inside was acceptable, through social marketing, or education as you call it, and leadership by the federal government, people in society came around to seeing that the responsible way for the greater good of all of society was to not drink and drive and not subject others to the danger of smoking.
I think we're moving that way. For example, we're beginning to see that with something like compact fluorescent lights. There's a porch light program in Ontario, and perhaps in some other provinces as well. It's a good way to save money and a neighbourly thing to do, as you have a fluorescent light on your porch instead of burning a 100-watt bulb all night long when everyone is asleep anyway. That kind of thing creates a positive buzz around sustainability.