Cutbacks to anything don't hurt people with mental illnesses, because there is no funding for them anyway. It's like wait times or wait lines. We don't have any wait lines, because there is nothing to wait for. We're at the bottom of the barrel, Judy. There is nothing the government can do to cut back that will really impact us in a significant way. Homelessness remains rampant; suicide remains rampant; depression is at one of the highest levels in the western world. Nothing is being done about it, so cutbacks don't help or hurt us.
What helps us is a reflection on the fact that there is no health without mental health. What helps us is that if we start working on mental health in a positive way through the development of the commission, that commission will have a mandate to work towards a national strategy. That national strategy, I think, will be very comprehensive if it follows along the lines Kirby and Keon recommend. We'll see an incredible change in the fabric of the Government of Canada and the federal employees, in the happiness and welfare of Canadians, and in the tax revenues of Canada. So cutbacks don't hurt; they don't.