Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you for joining us and for participating in these consultations.
I have a question for Mr. Elliott regarding cooperative and affordable social housing. I tend to agree that investment is needed to improve the quality and quantity of affordable housing units in our communities.
Are there other options that we should be considering? Has your organization thought about other initiatives that the government could pursue to assist people in need of housing?
What happens when the government, a Crown corporation or a state-owned company disposes of public lands? In my riding, for example, the Canada Post Corporation is selling off a large tract of surplus land.
The land will be sold to the highest bidder. Generally speaking, the party that can afford to pay top dollar will have the resources to build luxury condos on the site. There is no incentive for people to build housing cooperatives. Could the government promote the construction of social housing by making this land available or by selling it off at a lower price to housing cooperatives?