If you look at the budget you'll see an allocation of something in the order of $800 million. It will be my colleagues' argument that they've taken care of affordable housing and homelessness, neglecting to mention that Bill C-48 obligates them to do that. That's the law of the land at the present time as long as there's a surplus. Then of course there's the announcement of $1.4 billion, and I assume the $800 million is part of that amount.
So the argument of the government is, “We've taken care of this problem; we've given you a huge amount of money.” Yet your presentation says, “I'm worried about the sunsetting of SCPI. I'm worried about the sunsetting of RAP.” You have specific recommendations on $67 million in new money for homelessness, and $114 million for rehabilitation, energy conservation, and things of that nature.
So really, Mr. Shapcott, what should you be worried about? Aren't you confident that this government will come through with its obligations to you?