There's been a lot of review, both by government and by community organizations, and the verdict right across the board is that the programs have been extremely successful. They provide two purposes. One purpose is to try to assist homeless people in being a little bit more comfortable and to assist them to live from one day to the next. The second is to assist them in the transition from homelessness to housed. On both those scores, the federal homelessness program has been a success.
The criticisms I've heard of the federal homelessness program are twofold. The first is that it's due to expire, and agencies and services are very concerned about that; the second is that there's not enough money. Only 61 communities across the country have access to the money. In fact about 10 communities get most of the money, when in fact it's a national problem.
The verdict is very clear; the consensus is very clear that it's a good program and deserves support.